2024 ACCC Soul Care Conference

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Conference Presenters

B. Dean Akers, Jr., DMin, BCC

Conference Topic:  Taking Care of Self in a Selfish World

Chaplain B. Dean Akers, Jr. was born in Elyria, Ohio and moved to Conway, South Carolina in his middle school years. Chaplain Akers commissioned December 1994 and became a chaplain in 2005. He is ordained through the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. 

His civilian education includes:  ROTC graduate from The Military College of South Carolina:  The Citadel with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education:  Biology, Charleston, SC in 1994; Masters of Divinity degree from M. Christopher White School of Divinity at Gardner-Webb University, Boling Springs, NC in 2004; and Doctorate of Ministry from Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC in 2012. 

His military assignments include:  360th PRB (CRC), Myrtle Beach, SC 1992-1994; 942nd Transportation Company, Charleston, SC 1996-1998; 630th Transportation Detachment, Charleston, SC 1998-1999; 447th Chemical Detachment, Greenville, SC 1999-1999; 416th Chemical Detachment, Greenville, SC 1999-2001; 218th Infantry Brigade, Newberry, SC 2001-2004; 187th Ordnance Battalion, Ft. Jackson, SC 2005-2008; Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX 2008-2009; 28th Combat Support Hospital, Fort Bragg, NC 2009-2011; 44th Medical Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC 2011-2012; 18th Engineer Brigade, Schweinfurt, Germany 2012-2014; United States Army Chaplain Center and School, Fort Jackson, SC 2014-2017; Office of the Chief of Chaplains, 2017-2019; USAG, Fort Belvoir, VA 2019-2021; Medical Readiness Command, West, Fort Sam Houston, TX July 2021-December 20022; INSCOM, Fort Belvoir, VA December 2022-Present. 

His military education include:  Action Officer Integration Course; Intermediate Level Education; Army Clinical Pastoral Education Program; Chaplain Captains’ Career Course; Combat Medical Ministry Course; Chaplain Officer Basic Course; Reserve Component CAS3; Chemical Officer Advance Course; Area Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Course; and Transportation Officer Basic Course.

His military awards and decorations include:  Meritorious Service Medal (7 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (1 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC), Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (2 OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal Campaign (2 Stars), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (2), Order of Martin of Tours, and Order of Samuel Sharp.

Chaplain Akers is married to the former Sonja Coyle. She is a former educator and active with many different civilian and military organizations. Chaplain and Mrs. Akers have two daughters, Kathryn (22) and Clara (21). Kathryn is graduated Anderson University (SC) in May and is heading to Baylor University (TX) for Grad School, and Clara is a senior at Baylor.

 Zachary Hooey, M.Div, BCC-GRS, BCC-MH

Conference topic: The Foundation of Healing

Zachary is the only Chaplain for the EL Paso, TX, VHA Outpatient Services, overseeing 9 CBOCs (Community Based Outpatient Centers). Zachary is Board Certified and maintains membership through ACCC, NAVAC, and SCA.  He has earned both the Grief Recovery and Mental Health Specialties with ACCC.

 Zachary serves as a professional Chaplain for over three years. Prior to this, he was the Senior Pastor and Founder of YeShua Christian Church for 7.5 years in El Paso, TX, before stepping down to become a VA Chaplain. Zachary is currently one of three Assistant Pastors at Grace Chapel of El Paso, TX.

 Zachary is a retired Army Veteran completing 25 years of active-duty service. Zachary obtained the rank of E-8/MSG (Master Sergeant). Zachary is a Combat Veteran of the Persian Gulf war and Afghanistan.

 Zachary obtained his MAR with a Minor in Pastoral Counseling and his Master of Divinity in Chaplaincy from Liberty University.

 Zachary is also a published author of three books: The Nazareth Vow; Red Is The Darkest Color; and COVID-19: China’s Gift to the World. Zachary is currently writing for publication in 2024 ‘Witnessing to Muslims from the Quran.’

David Herndon, DMin, MSoc

Conference Topic: Challenges of the Rural Hospice Chaplain

Chaplain Herndon serves as the Chaplain/Bereavement Coordinator for Affinis Hospice in Vidalia, Georgia.  He is also the Founder and President of Ta Ethne Ministries and has authored several books including Is Jesus Enough? and A Heart Hungry to Worship.

 He earned his Doctorate of Ministries in Evangelism and Missions from Patriot University and  Master of Sociology from New Mexico State. He is ordained through the Southern Baptist Convention and has trained ministers in China, Malaysia and the Philippines through Ta Ethne Ministries.  His wife of 23 years is named Michelle.  They have 4 children and live on a small goat farm in south Georgia. He also does interim pastor work and holds spiritual renewal and spiritual warfare conferences for churches.


Brent Bond, DMin, BCC
  Senior Chaplain Endorser, North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention

Conference Topic: Empathy Fatigue, an Invitation to Self-Care in Ministry

   Brent Bond is the Senior Director of Chaplaincy and Public Service Endorser with the        North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

   Brent has served as a professional chaplain for over 19 years. Prior to his current position, he was the Lead Chaplain at Northside Hospital (NSH) Atlanta. He has maintained his relationship with the Spiritual Health and Education department at NSH Atlanta as a resource chaplain, consultant, mentor to Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) students, and researcher.

Brent was a staff chaplain in both Level 1 and Level 2 Trauma Centers in Columbus, OH for six years. Ordained in 1988, Brent has been an SBC ministerial staff member, church planter, or pastor for over 30 years in Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio. Brent served as a distinguished enlisted Airman in the United States Air Force for seven years and received an honorable discharge.

   Brent was awarded his Doctor of Ministry in Chaplaincy from Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention in Ontario, California. He has a Master of Divinity Degree in Biblical Languages from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Brent is a Board-Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains.

   A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Brent has been married for over 38 years and has two adult children. He and his wife, Nancy, currently live in Dunwoody, Georgia. Brent enjoys adventure, food, music, and hiking. 

Angela Peterkin, D.Min./M.Div., CPES, BCC-MH/BCPC

Conference Topic: Nourish the Soul

Dr. Angela Peterkin is a board-certified Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor (CPES) with the Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training.  She is a board-certified Chaplain with both the Association of Christian Chaplains and the Spiritual Care Association.  She earned her Doctorate of Ministry(DMin) in Marriage and Family Therapy, a Master of Divinity in Christian Counseling (MDiv) and a Master of Arts in Humanities (MA).  She has received the Mental Health Specialization with ACCC.

 Dr. Peterkin has served in long-term care, mental health, VHA, hospice and palliative care settings.  She brings a strong dedication in helping people strengthen their emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Currently, Dr. Peterkin serves as Clinical Chaplain Educator with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  A main area of focus in her ministry is the building of resiliency for historically marginalized populations.  She is founder and CEO of Nourish Us Foundation and Way Maker Chaplain Alliance.
